(On our way to drop matt off)
As many of you know Matt left yesterday for Afghanistan for 12-15 months. This time seemed harder and ea
sier than last. Easier because I have an amazing son to help keep me side tracked. Harder because I had to watch Matt say goodbye to Jacob while he had no clue what was going on. He has been looking for daddy all day and doesn't understand why he hasn't come home(the pic on the left). It breaks my heart! He was a good boy all day until about 5:30. Around the time he expected to see Matt. At that point he fell apart and the rest of the evening was horrible! Jacob is not characterized by tantrums! We've had one in his first year of life. UNTIL TODAY! Oh my word, the whole evening he fell apart if he didn't get his way. I've decided to give him a few days of grace because he is not characterized by this and there is big change! However, I so hope this doesn't continue, I hate spanking him!
On another note, Matt made a dvd of himself reading several books to Jacob. I played it today for him and he LOVED IT! He stared at the tv the whole time with a huge smile! We watched Matt read some Clifford story about farm animals. If any of you know Jacob he loves animal sounds! So the rest of the day if he saw an animal in a book, on the fridge, on tv he would attempt to imitate the sound! He can't talk, but he has the voice inflections down! It was so cute!
I was able to talk to Matt today. He is very tired and is in Krgyzstan (sp?) now. He has no clue how long he'll be there. Sometime between today and Friday they will tell him to get on the plane and from there he will head to Afghanistan where he will be stationed. Please keep Matt and all his soldiers in your prayers this year! I will do my best to keep you all posted on how he is doing and where and what he's up to!
On another note, Matt made a dvd of himself reading several books to Jacob. I played it today for him and he LOVED IT! He stared at the tv the whole time with a huge smile! We watched Matt read some Clifford story about farm animals. If any of you know Jacob he loves animal sounds! So the rest of the day if he saw an animal in a book, on the fridge, on tv he would attempt to imitate the sound! He can't talk, but he has the voice inflections down! It was so cute!
I was able to talk to Matt today. He is very tired and is in Krgyzstan (sp?) now. He has no clue how long he'll be there. Sometime between today and Friday they will tell him to get on the plane and from there he will head to Afghanistan where he will be stationed. Please keep Matt and all his soldiers in your prayers this year! I will do my best to keep you all posted on how he is doing and where and what he's up to!
What a wonderful idea to video tape Matt reading to Jacob. That is so special. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it much be on you Liz to help a 1 year old understand Daddy won't be back for "a while" I know you are such a great mother though and will come up with so many creative ways to help him through this. Additionally, in the midst of giving Jacob grace, remember to give yourself grace too! You need it! I love you friend!